i apologize for not updating before now, and i don't have any excuse really. but i did want to leave an update about our situation here in mazatlan right now. as many of you know we've been tracking hurricane Rick with great interest, especially when it became clear it was heading right for mazatlan. it went from a category 5 down to a tropical storm. we already weathered one tropical storm back in june which lasted between 30-60 minutes. we weren't as prepared then as we are now. however, the resort is taking Rick very seriously. we were just informed they're cutting off power to the docks tomorrow morning at 5am, and we're ordered to move into the hotel rooms.
Rick is expected to arrive here some time tomorrow afternoon, bringing 60mph winds and heavy wave action which could last for many hours. we're tied near the end of the dock right where the mouth of the marina is and we've taken a lot of precautions. the pictures i'm including here are to show just how many tie downs we've got. i lost count. earlier today they took down the canopys around the pool, removed the furniture and severely trimmed the palm trees and their coconuts. when i went to the gym in town i noticed several billboards were being taken down.
we're in good shape with food, water and pesos. at this moment jim is taking down the dodger (i should be out there helping). we're not taking any chances.
it's hard to believe this storm is barreling toward us. we just took a walk out to the end of the channel and the ocean is calm. we barely have a drizzle. but we know from experience something's coming. they removed the large trash bins. that's our cue. silly, huh?
anyway, i promise i'll post again after this is all over with, hopefully with some interesting pictures showing no damage. okay no images, not sure why but i gotta go help. more to come