okay so we didn't exactly leave pt on time. it took another day to get going but our final stop was breakfast at sea j's where we feel at home. lots of chaos this am as a little sparrow was flying around the cafe trying to get out. we're regulars now and greeted with "the usual?" conversations this day, sept. 20, was about the $500 billion bailout and financial concerns among the men at the next table. we've been blissfully detached from the news most days. anyway, we motored over to vancouver island, into the city of victoria and cleared customs with no problems. we walked up to murchies for tea and then spent a pleasant evening on the boat watching a couple episodes of "six feet under". the marina is totally open to the public and it felt weird to be sitting below deck and having people walk by all night long peering in to see our faces reflecting the computer screen. looking out into the bay later i see we're tucked into a half circle of colored lights next to the underwater garden (tourist spot). it's like being tied up in disneyland with all the lights. and flowers everywhere. the empress hotel in front of us looks like a medieval castle with two large trees standing guard.
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