back on land in pt. townsend, wa friday, aug. 22 at 12:40am. the highlights (not necessarily positive) from my journal are:
wild ride leaving napali coastline
hitting the whale
the boobie hitching a ride
boat rocking me to sleep
jim caught an albacore tuna (yuk)
wild vivid dreams/nightmares
porpoise at the bow
moon watching
late night visits with the ocean at midnight watch
lost all our power
learning to play bridge
blue skies between so much grey
conversations with myself
reading "3 cups of tea"
journaling (the routine & finishing volume one)
baked potato dinner on deck
more to come but wanted to put that out before going into more detail when i have time. good grief you'd think with 18 days at sea i'd have plenty of time to prepare a detailed description but malaise set in, along with fatigue, the blahs and so much time reading. we're next to the boat yard now in pt. townsend and at this very minute jim is on deck drilling something that makes me feel like i'm at the dentist and consequently makes my teeth hurt. we've had a wonderful couple of days in this beautiful little town but we're scrambling to get ready to leave tomorrow morning (monday aug. something) to sail over to friday harbor and a couple of other stops along the way. we'll be back here to haul the boat to see if there's any hull damage from the whale--that takes place sept. 3. somewhere between sept. 6 and 9 we'll leave again for more sailing in the area.
saturday i went to the farmers market here (one of the best so far) and we've discovered some cute little cafes, great restaurants and a really nice independent bookstore that we helped support. separate post on the reading material. i've been to pt. townsend twice before for artfest but this time it's very different. not sure if it's the time of year, august vs. march or what but this is a darling little town.
time to go finish cleaning out the forward head which is used as our major storage locker not as a head. we had some water issues in there and everything is drying on deck but it looks like rain outside. then i have a whole list of things to do, one of which is to walk up to the bakery for more parmesan breadsticks. which reminds me, after 18 days of no walking i've walked miles and miles in the past few days around town. my body aches from the calves down. that's not to say we didn't move around the boat. we did the grab and crawl while underway. it was impossible to do anything on the boat w/o grabbing a handrail and pulling yourself along in any direction.
okay gotta go. post will be spotty for a week or so. bear with me. i'd love to hear what you thought we'd be doing.
wild ride leaving napali coastline
hitting the whale
the boobie hitching a ride
boat rocking me to sleep
jim caught an albacore tuna (yuk)
wild vivid dreams/nightmares
porpoise at the bow
moon watching
late night visits with the ocean at midnight watch
lost all our power
learning to play bridge
blue skies between so much grey
conversations with myself
reading "3 cups of tea"
journaling (the routine & finishing volume one)
baked potato dinner on deck
more to come but wanted to put that out before going into more detail when i have time. good grief you'd think with 18 days at sea i'd have plenty of time to prepare a detailed description but malaise set in, along with fatigue, the blahs and so much time reading. we're next to the boat yard now in pt. townsend and at this very minute jim is on deck drilling something that makes me feel like i'm at the dentist and consequently makes my teeth hurt. we've had a wonderful couple of days in this beautiful little town but we're scrambling to get ready to leave tomorrow morning (monday aug. something) to sail over to friday harbor and a couple of other stops along the way. we'll be back here to haul the boat to see if there's any hull damage from the whale--that takes place sept. 3. somewhere between sept. 6 and 9 we'll leave again for more sailing in the area.
saturday i went to the farmers market here (one of the best so far) and we've discovered some cute little cafes, great restaurants and a really nice independent bookstore that we helped support. separate post on the reading material. i've been to pt. townsend twice before for artfest but this time it's very different. not sure if it's the time of year, august vs. march or what but this is a darling little town.
time to go finish cleaning out the forward head which is used as our major storage locker not as a head. we had some water issues in there and everything is drying on deck but it looks like rain outside. then i have a whole list of things to do, one of which is to walk up to the bakery for more parmesan breadsticks. which reminds me, after 18 days of no walking i've walked miles and miles in the past few days around town. my body aches from the calves down. that's not to say we didn't move around the boat. we did the grab and crawl while underway. it was impossible to do anything on the boat w/o grabbing a handrail and pulling yourself along in any direction.
okay gotta go. post will be spotty for a week or so. bear with me. i'd love to hear what you thought we'd be doing.
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