Saturday, January 30, 2010
refugio de potosi in zihautanejo
leaving zihautanejo on jan. 30 '10
the bay here is beginning to fill up with boats for sailfest which starts this coming tuesday. we're sorry to miss out on the fun but we've spent way too much time here which will affect our stops further south. this morning we had a few sprinkles and there's rain predicted today with increased winds, but right now i see blue sky. a good time to leave.
although internet connections are spotty, we do enjoy hearing from you. we like to know what you're thinking, what's keeping you busy and anything else you'd like to share with us. feel free to drop us an email. linda can be reached at and jim can be reached at
Saturday, January 23, 2010
19 days in zihautanejo but who's counting

our favorite breakfast joint here, cafe marina. looks out at the bay and is across from the very local fish market.
some of the artwork next to me just now.
jim emailing two days ago before we heard there's a delay with the motor.
i'm at a wonderful restaurant down the street from the outboard motor store. stormy weather is playing but the weather here is anything but. and so the saga continues.
we're still waiting for our outboard motor. while we love being here in zihautanejo (and i can easily spell it now) we are anxious to get going. we've been here 19 days. at least we don't have the bug problem we had in barra and elsewhere. the marine "store" where we bought the motor isn't very forthcoming about when it will arrive, maybe saturday (which is today and they're closed) maybe monday. we were bummed wednesday when they told us. our recovery was staying on the boat thursday and reading. and reading. and reading. i'm half way through "girls like us" which is a hefty 600+ page biography of carole king, joni mitchell and carly simon. for those of us women who came of age in the 60s it's quite a reminder of those crazy years we lived in. jim finished one book and has started another, something about death and destruction i think.
yesterday we kayaked back into town for breakfast at our favorite spot, cafe marina. then it was to the computer store but the connection was too slow to do anything. back at the boat later in the day we discovered jim's kayak has a huge leak so he can't use it and we have no way of fixing it. now he's reduced to rowing the dinghy in to shore and dealing with putting the wheels up and down on the sand (not an easy task). our frequent motto these days is "well it could be worse". let's hope not.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
mangrove kayak trip in zihautanejo jan. 9 '10

Saturday, January 16, 2010
sudden squall in zihaut
sorry, no pictures of all this. it wouldn't have been a pretty sight, both of us dripping wet.
today it's calm, slightly overcast, and we have 3 boobies sitting on our bow.
Friday, January 15, 2010
pizza and crocs in ixtapa

Thursday, January 14, 2010
outboard ordeal in zihautanejo
we love zihuat. more to come about our time here but for now i just wanted to make an initial entry to update the blog. internet is not easy. i have to put my computer in a drybag and kayak to shore then walk to the store to buy time for hookup.
more to come.
Friday, January 1, 2010
bugs bugs and more bugs in barra

sure doesn't feel like xmas