It was an easy motorsail down to Ensenada and we arrived just after sunrise. We all quickly changed into summer clothes since it feels so hot here. It’s a beautiful marina with friendly and efficient people to help us check in. Then we went into town to do the Paperwork Cha Cha dance of visiting the Port Captain, Migracion and Aduana all in the same building going back and forth between various windows. All three of us had to go since they insist on seeing you in person with your original passport. Now we have our international Zarpe (all the check-in paperwork including visas). We walked back and I made a nice salad and discovered the Moroccan stew works great with Jim’s canned chicken so he won't feel so meat deprived. Not much else to report since I read all afternoon while he napped. Teresa has been out walking the town.
Images are: we have our morning ritual of drinks at the helm, crisp shadows on the dock master's office and cactus. Too tired to write more but I love the ease of wifi at the dock. Spoiled am I.
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