Friday, March 25, 2011

only 2 buses and a taxi

triple sanwich vegetariano is one of my mainstays - pan integral, olivas, tomate, lechuga y queso crema - yum
jim's tocino sanwich is in the background

ensalada greca - lechuga, tomate, huevo duro, olivas, feta y artichoke hearts - the best salad i've had since leaving home.

it's not easy being a vegetarian away from home, especially once we got south of mexico.  here in peru everything has pollocarne in it.  sometimes i can ask for it sin carne y pollo but then it might have jabon instead.

today jim struck gold.  we found an argentine butcher near our new favorite restaurant and he came back with chuletas de cerdo, tocino y chorizo (porkchops, bacon and sausage).  we are forever indebted to pilar and micky for telling us about san antonio panadaria where we can eat these scrumptious salads, and it only takes 1 1/2 hours taking 2 buses and a taxi to get there.

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