the boat got splashed at 5:30pm today. that's boat talk for getting back into the water. it's really interesting to watch the whole process, at least to us it's interesting. a guy drives the travel lift with an orange remote-control box, straps are placed around the hull and the boat is gently lifted off it's supports. then he walks backwards, facing the travel lift, and drives it w/boat around the yard and positions the boat over the water. we had a couple scratches on the keel that got painted on the way. poor boat was filthy after 15 days in the yard. guess who gets to clean it tomorrow morning before we leave? not me. i'll be doing a final grocery run, clean the house we've been staying in , return the car and walk back to a clean boat.

so the pictures from top to bottom are boat about to hit the water, dirty boat, remote control driven travel lift, painting the keel, boat about to get picked up by travel lift, guy manuevering the boat through the yard.
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