tide was out and it was too shallow for us to leave until midday. it stopped raining and after fried egg sandwiches we took the dinghy over to the spit to get a little exercise. hiking in foulies is ackward, hot and sweaty and i don't recommend it. old abandoned reef net boats were a fun photo op and a reminder of a type of fishing once prevelant in the area. there are still some reef net boats out but not like former times. saw a bald eagle fly overhead and land in a pine tree. later the same eagle flew in front of us off in the distance to catch a fish. soon a turkey vulture landed to watch, then another and another. finally he was surrounded by 5 turkey vultures queuing up for leftovers.
we could see the tide rising and it was time to leave and head over to Odlin Park.
we could see the tide rising and it was time to leave and head over to Odlin Park.
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