Not only did we spend a lot of time at the wooden boat show, we also went to the farmer’s market and strolled along Water Street in downtown PT. There are some amazing musicians busking (playing music on the sidewalk) and one guy, Christopher of the Wolves http://www.trancevision.com/about.htm was really talented and we bought a couple of his CDs. He plays the didjeridu, djembe (African drum), shruti box, steel drums, and other instruments I can’t name. If you check out his website he has a nice description of them and pictures. Another group had a large kazoo, banjo, washtub board with plunger and belly dancers. I’ve included pictures of Christopher, and I apologize about the poor quality of the troupe—they were surrounded by an audience and they were hard to shoot. There was also a couple who played a zither and harp further down the street.
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