Our last destination in the copper canyon - creel. We stayed in a cute little cabin with cable TV and a fireplace. But the best part was the porch swing, where I spent a good deal of time, especially during the rainstorm. Creel seemed like a one street town with not much to offer unless you go trekking in the canyons. We didn’t. Dinner was spent in a small diner and halfway through the meal 3 very young kids came in going from table to table asking for money. The littlest boy wore a six-pack plastic ring thing over his face. He was adorable and got some chuckles from the other diners. We weren’t sure what to do then took a cue from another table with kids. We offered them some tortillas with remains of our meal. Later I asked the hotel manager about the raramuri and he said unfortunately a lot of them have started begging for money to buy sodas and chips instead of eating their natural diet of local foods. I also noticed the food was really salty, even too salty for Jim.
more pictures to come.
the pictures here from top to bottom:
the cathedral at the end of town
bikes for rent at 3 amigos
a local cafe we probably should have tried
the 3 kids, this time he was washing his hand in street water from a boo-boo
views of main street
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