dec. 24 2005 standing next to ana bananas looking out at the bay

dec. 14, 2009 i tried to find the same vantagepoint but couldn't because the land next to ana bananas was fenced in (which didn't stop me from taking the pictures below) so this is looking back at ana bananas and that sweet little beach is somewhere inside this fenced area, covered over with landfill, and the marina is behind me.

jim and dave dec. 24 2005 on the patio next to ana b's. it's not a great shot but they were looking out into the bay which was easily accessible.

dec. 24, 2005 - sign in front of ana bananas

dec. 14, 2009 - almost the same shot but slightly different angle where jim and dave stood 4 years ago. now, of course, the "view" is a landfill berm and big sign boasting the progress in town.

dec. 14, 2009 - i walked around back of ana b's where it's fenced in to try and get a shot of where that sweet little beach was - all i saw was abandoned property and the biggest ant hills i've ever seen.

dec. 14, 2009 - another slightly different shot where jim and dave had stood - with today's view.

and here's ana b's today. apparently they serve great ribs.
so why am i making such a big deal about all of this? because in 4 short years this wonderful little town has been hit by a tsunami of concrete and gringos. i know i know things change and for some it means jobs and a better life. but i'm guessing not for many that lived here, the ones who had to move because they can't afford to live here anymore. this just reenforces our desire to get out and see the world now before more of it gets turned into a concrete jungle.
okay i'm off my soapbox now. happier blogs to follow.
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