I got home last evening and have been doing laundry ever since. We spent all day Thursday and Friday organizing the boat but we got it done. I can’t even begin to tell you how dismal I felt when I got there Thursday morning. Every available surface had stuff piled a foot deep. Everywhere. I wanted to cry. So I went to Target and bought about 20 huge plastic bins and put them on the dock. Thankfully no one was berthed next to us. Then I started sorting but that didn't work so well since i didn't know what all this stuff was. When he got back we talked about an a, b, c, d system (a is for anything associated with an emergency, b is will use it a lot & needs to be very accessible, c for we’ll use it sometimes and sorta accessible, and d for might not use at all but need to bring it so it gets stowed in the hard to reach places). We fell into a rhythm and he was very good about sorting things into their proper place--a good indication of how we’ll work as a team in the future. While he sorted I was busy bringing in cart loads of food provisions. Very time consuming because everything has to come out of packaging and put into plastic ziplocks—space conservation and insect reduction (cardboard is a no-no on boats).
July 4 is a big festival at the marina so we took a couple breaks to watch the belly dancing and then the Emeryville Taiko Drummers (we even got up and tried it). The food court was a bonus since the propane was disconnected so he could work on hooking up the bbq grill to the stern railing. Later we walked up to the yacht club and watched fireworks from the Berkeley pier. Very cool.
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