i woke to rain rain and more rain which is wonderful here because it's a warm rain and comes with wind and noise from rustling palm frons. the air feels charged with energy. we called mitchell to meet us at the pier in his dinghy so we could get out to the boat. round one of cleanup begins. the two jib sails had to get untangled and stretched out on deck and flaked, folded and put into sail bags. that's like trying to fold a 40 ft piece of fabric in a tiny closet. jim explains you flake the sails (my least favorite thing to do) to compress them as storage is at a premium. these two sails are technically called downwind twins (DWT) because they're twin sails you use when you're sailing down wind and they go wing and wing on poles sticking out on the left (port) and right (starboard) at the bow of the boat. too much information? sorry about that. we managed even with squalls passing through the whole time. getting rain soaked was a refreshing counter balance to the heat. i can't imagine doing this alone in open ocean. he said it sometimes took him hours to get them down and folded away. we put them away because they don't have UV protection and like our skin will get damaged with too much exposure.
that done we packed up dirty clothes and old food and headed back to shore when mitchell arrived with the dinghy.
next stop, aloho blast smoothie (pineapple, coconut, mango, banana and lilikoi). yum.
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