Caution, whine and complaining ahead.
Arrived safely Monday afternoon but not without annoyances along the way. they lost my luggage then found it but i had to wait hours for them to deliver it and the box i used for one shipment was ripped open. fortunately nothing was missing but it was sure annoying. didn't sleep well, of course, it's humid and such, and up at 4am. spent hours trying to figure out internet hook ups and finally got on. now i can start the day. will be updating the blog soon with my stuff, did jim's just now.
yuk. more complaining. this is not good. what a weenie i am.
I can’t believe it’s 11:30 and I haven't been outside yet. I woke up at 3:30am with the tv on (one reason I don’t have a tv in the bedroom at home) and couldn’t go back to bed. After a phone call to Isabel to wish her happy birthday and whine a bit about yesterday, I I decided to hook up to the internet. THREE hours later and many many phone calls to 800 numbers I found a guy who took pity on me. As many of you know I’m hardly the tech savvy person and definitely not a reader of manuals. I know Mary will get a kick out of this. Anyway, between emails and losing my internet connection it’s been what Pema calls "bourgeois suffering". The last disconnect took me half an hour to discover the plug came lose from the router!
I need to get outta here and get some real food. stale potato chips and luke warm tea don't cut it.
i'll leave you with one good comment. the scenery here is fabulous. how could it not be, it's humid as hell, rains every 30 minutes and it's hawaii for pity sake.
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