Sleep deprivation is being felt as I continue to get about 5 hours a night. Was up before 6 today, Jim up even earlier. In the coolness of predawn we finalized his meal plan and then went to the store so he could make personal selections about things like deli meats and such. Then another car load of food to be sorted in Peggy’s garage after which we drove over to the boat midday. It took both cars to get everything there which includes the life raft, Lori’s big duffle bag (one of our crew) and sleeping bag, more plastic storage boxes and all that food. Jim left and I reorganized food storage since the volume of items has doubled, then had to diagram what’s in each cubby so we have an inventory. It feels like we’re getting closer. I wish I felt more rested. We’re supposed to have a record-breaking heat wave the balance of the week with San Jose hitting about 103. oh boy.
The moment I got to the marina the temps dropped to cool ocean breezes and I was rejuvenated, at least momentarily. Finally finishing the stowing and inventory just as the sun was setting like a giant red/orange globe. The dock was crowded with seagulls waiting for fish scraps from the fishing boats as I wheeled my cart up to the car. The air was cool enough to roll the windows down as the sun turned transparent in the off shore fog.
Once I got home I headed for the hottub. It sounds weird but soaking in the hottub, even when it’s hot, is refreshing. We keep it about 94 and it really helps unkink the muscles. I can’t believe how late it is. And tomorrow we’re heading back to the boat before 7am. Good grief.
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